Ensuring Excellence, Extending Certainty

The turnkey support services to ensure payment availability, reliability and security

Office support
Make the most out of your investment so you can focus on your core business.
Benefit from unmatched service support and customised service packages to meet your specific business needs.
Keep your investment up to date throughout the POS life cycle without any additional costs.
Benefit from top level expertise and service support wherever you are.
Talking in office

Unmatched expertise and a network of qualified experts

We take care of payment availability, reliability and security to ensure your business runs smoothly.

We deliver the turnkey services needed to keep your fleet performing flawlessly, without interruption. Regardless of the industry you’re in - banking, processing or retail, you can count on our comprehensive suite of services.

Scalable and customisable solutions
throughout the POS lifecycle


Consulting Services

Presale consulting to pick & choose the right payment terminal and services for your business needs.


Terminal Delivery

Terminals are delivered by post, ready for auto installation by the merchant.


Ongoing Support

Call centre to meet all support needs all around the clock and field support to preserve business anytime.



End to end service including terminal swaps, recycling and key destruction as requested by PCI standards.


Support Services Package

We provide clients a unique set of door-to-door services, delivering solutions with customised configurations to all geographies and markets. Your initial investment in terminals are preserved throughout the life cycle regardless of age or technology.

Two bundles to fit your merchant needs

With its unique geographic footprint, you can count on us to provide a comprehensive suite of services, backed by an unmatched expertise and network of qualified experts.
Standard Extended Warranty Premium Extended Warranty
Repair Management Portal
Repair Management Portal true true
Customer Helpdesk
Customer Helpdesk true true
Repair true true
Return to customer depot
Return to customer depot true true
Refurbishment true
Recycling true
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